The Greater Valley Glen Council would like to inform stakeholders, particularly those in proximity to the intersection of Burbank and Van Nuys or who may shop at the Ralph’s at that intersection, about a proposed development for 14534-14536 Burbank Blvd.

Mercy Housing

The project is to develop a quarter acre property which was approved for 58 Eldercare apartments. The developer, Mercy Housing, is now seeking to convert the plan to accommodate seniors, 62 years and older, who have experienced homelessness and are capable of living independently. Their plans call for 58 studio units in a 4 story building 46 feet in height with 23 parking spaces.

In response to community feedback, they have modified the design to include a front yard vehicle turnaround and Juliette balconies (or false balconies) at the sides and rear. The roof deck will be oriented towards Burbank Blvd.

This project is in the boundaries of the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council and was heard and approved at a packed meeting May 2019. However, project opponents say they did not know about the meeting and that the project is not suitable for the area. Even though the project is close to Greater Valley Glen, Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council did not invite Greater Valley Glen to weigh in.

Interested stakeholders are invited to get involved in land use issues early and often. Please attend our Planning and Land Use meetings with your neighbors!

More information:

Mercy Housing Project Website

Mercy Housing Project Announcement

Daily News Article on Mercy Housing Burbank Blvd Senior Housing May 31, 2019