Butterfly garden

Butterfly Garden at Valley Glen Park

In 2022 the big achievement of the Greater Valley Glen Council was the completion of a Butterfly Garden in Valley Glen Park. After months of planning, Board Member Alicia Bien worked with volunteers to plant butterfly friendly plants from the Theodore Payne Foundation. An assortment of over 15 kinds of plants are attracting butterflies along the walking path in the park. Have you seen them?

Rhodes Ave Park walking path

Rhodes Park Walking Path

In April Board Members were thrilled to attend the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for a new park at our north east boundary, Rhodes Avenue Park. It is located south of Vanowen between Rhodes Ave and the 170. It features a walking path, fitness equipment, security lighting and more. GVGC also supported our parks by providing dog waste bags.

Toy donations at the food and toy drive December 2022

December 2022 Food & Toy Drive

We held several community events to benefit Valley Glen, including a Food Drive in July, a Food & Toy Drive in December and a free Paper Shredding event in October.

Landscaped Median with purple flowers

Victory Median

We used our funds to cover necessary administrative costs and outreach as well as monthly maintenance of the Victory Blvd and Whitsett Ave medians and we issued a grant to Erwin Street Elementary for a new PA system.

At GVGC, committees do the heavy lifting on issues of concern and make recommendations to the full Council. Our committees are active and we invite you to join them or attend a meeting:

  • Arts & Education
  • Community Outreach
  • Community Safety
  • Government Relations
  • Homelessness
  • Parks & Community Improvement
  • Planning, Zoning and Land Use

As you consider your plans for 2023, we invite you to include the Greater Valley Glen Council as the cornerstone of your community involvement:

  • Attend a meeting, the 1st Monday at 7pm
  • Join a committee
  • Come to an event
  • Run for a seat in our June elections

Find out more: Board@GreaterValleyGlenCouncil.org

Here is the news we shared with the Valley Glen Voice:

What is the GVGC Up To