At our May 13, 2024 Meeting we heard an update about the bridge planned to span the wash at the Great Wall of Los Angeles. The new bridge will be craned in place in July. It is scheduled to be complete in September with a public opening in November pending approvals by the City.
The bridge will be brought down the 5 FWY from San Francisco to the Valley, to arrive at about 4 am, and will have an extremely large crane to move the bridge segments over the channel. This would be very early in the morning to not disrupt any traffic. They have worked out an agreement with the college to use the college’s private road for access (Coldwater Canyon extension).
More updates are available at
We approved a number of funding grants:
- Neighborhood Purpose Grant for Erwin Elementary School for $1,681.33 for 20 planters, one for outside each classroom, as a followup project to last year’s planting workshops.
- To fund $1,000 a Neighborhood Purpose Grant for She Is Hope, a nonprofit organization to help single mothers to purchase supplies for single mothers and their children.
- Motion for a Neighborhood Purpose Grant For Sweet Adelines in the amount of $1,700 for two scholarships at $600 each and $500 for supplies etc.
- Approved a Contribution to the 2024 Congress of Neighborhoods to make a $1,000 contribution request from the Congress of Neighborhoods.
The Greater Valley Glen Council is excited to support this year’s Congress of Neighborhoods, “Neighborhood Power, Citywide Impact: The Next 25 Years Start Now”. This year marks a special milestone as the Congress returns to City Hall for its 13th convening, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the establishment of our city’s Neighborhood Council system.