As part of the Southeast Valley Community Plans Update (SEVCPU), Los Angeles City Planning has released the Draft General Plan Land Use (GPLU) Designations for the following three Community Plans:
North Hollywood – Valley Village, Valley Glen
Sherman Oaks – Studio City – Toluca Lake – Cahuenga Pass
Van Nuys – North Sherman Oaks
These draft GPLU designations, which can be viewed on Planning’s StoryMap, bring the community’s vision for Southeast Valley to life. The StoryMap provides more details on the various land use strategies and incorporates community input received to date.
The Southeast Valley Community Plans Update is currently in the Consult Phase of the Community Plans Update process. Through outreach materials such as this StoryMap, public events with stakeholders, and continued analysis, the Southeast Valley Community Plans Update Team will further refine policies, land use maps and zoning for the Southeast Valley.
This release provides an opportunity for public review and input on the draft proposals. Look for more updates in the upcoming months as Planning will be coordinating with community partners to host events to discuss these draft land uses. As part of this outreach, the Planning team will be visiting Neighborhood Council Land Use Committees to discuss the latest proposal and answer questions from the community.
The team welcomes your feedback at: