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Public Hearing: 6035 N. Laurelgrove

6035 N. Laurelgrove Ave. North hearing notice The project involves a Zoning Adminstrator's Adjustment to permit an over in height fence and associated vehicular and pedestrian gates within the front yard setback and to permit a paved driveway within the front yard setback. GVGC filed a letter in opposition.

Senior Symposium

ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center 18255 Victory Blvd, Reseda

Special Board Meeting

The Greater Valley Glen Council will hold a specially scheduled Board Meeting on Saturday, May 20, 9:30am at Valley Glen Community Park, Atoll Ave side, 6150 Atoll Ave. We plan to approve administrative and financial motions. Agenda: May 20, 2023

Reform LA: Commission Selection

Van Nuys City Hall 14410 Sylvan Street, Van Nuys

The Ad Hoc Committee on Governance Reform has begun its listening sessions on potential reforms to our city’s redistricting process. This is a historic effort which is being led by the Council President and the more public participation the better, as reforms recommended by the committee will need to go to the full City Council […]

Valley Glen Neighborhood Association Town Hall

LA Valley College

The Valley Glen Neighborhood Association will hold a Town Hall Thursday, May 25, 6:30pm at LA Valley College, Administration Building, Room 2505. Speakers will include our Senior Lead Officer from LAPD and a representative from LA City Government who will be on hand to discuss the new organics recycling/composting regulations and to answer any questions […]